Digital Learning

Digital Learning Packages

Our digital learning packages cover all formal learning stages from Key Stage 1 to university level and are very useful for home educators.  They comprise a mixture of:

  • Transcriptions or copies of original documents e.g. workhouse census, Victorian newspaper articles
  • Worksheets
  • Audio readings of contemporary reports of Victorian life
  • Researched stories of true life characters from hour workhouse, house of correction or courthouse
  • Animated film/digital talk recording

Please email or phone 01765 690799 to find out which package best suits the needs of your group

Zoom Victorian Schoolroom

Join our Victorian Schoolmaster or mistress in the Workhouse Schoolroom for a lesson in the three “Rs” – reading, writing and arithmetic and an introduction to Victorian class discipline. £50 per class for a 45 minute session.

Please email or phone 01765 690799 for further details.

Animated films

Our short animated films bring the lives of Victorian characters to life. Find out about Margaret Rumfitt, workhouse inmate, the life of PC Thomas Sweeting, William Paley, workhouse boy or Ann Lupton, teenage pickpocket and shoplifter.

Digital Collections

Please contact Laura Allan, Community Curator on

Digital Talks and Workshops

  • Art in Prison: Creativity and the Criminal Justice System
  • Shocking Murder! Investigating Suspicious Death in Victorian Ripon
  • Writing the Workhouse: Creating Fiction from Found Materials
  • Home or Away: Records, Love Tokens and Tattoos – Traces of Transported Convict Lives
  • Dickens and the Poor Law: Foundlings in Victorian England

Contact for more information.

Coming soon


Talking Heads

Talking Heads are 5 to 10 minute videos of historic characters who were involved with the establishment and running of the Union Workhouse, House of Correction, Police force or Courthouse in the19th century, such as the workhouse matron, overseer of the poor, PC Thomas Sweeting, a notorious poacher or a magistrate.  Sometimes they are part of the story of all three institutions. 

Talking Heads have been thoroughly researched through our records and other sources.  In the films the characters talk to the camera about their jobs and their personal lives, casting light on the purpose of their roles, day-to-day running of the institutions, general attitudes and politics of the time.  They have been (mostly) filmed in our museums.  Talking Heads will be available to view individually or as part of a Digital Learning Package.

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