We are immensely grateful to our members for their contribution to Ripon Museum Trust.
If you are not a member and would like to join us, you will be supporting us financially and also helping to maintain three unique museum sites with fascinating histories. You will also be able to make a difference to the future of the Trust by voting on particular issues as they arise, in particular, to any changes in the constitution.
Please join as a member and help us look after our museums’ heritage, support our projects with the community and local organisations.

Membership prices
Individual adult membership: £10.00
Individual concession: £7.50
To join, please complete the membership form below and return it to the Trust. You can send it electronically to [email protected] or in hard copy to Workhouse Museum, Allhallowgate, Ripon, HG4 1LE.
To set up a standing order, fill in the paperwork on the membership form below and send it to YOUR bank. You can send a cheque to the Workhouse, made payable to Ripon Museum Trust. Or you can pay in cash at the Workhouse Museum.