Sights and Sounds is a free family-friendly day for all Ripon residents. The event is a celebration of our local charities and local services, offering a chance to discover volunteering opportunities, access to advice and support, and a whole host of fun activities to get stuck in to!
Come along for a full and exciting day across the Library, Cathedral, Town Hall and all three Museums. We’ll have activities, performances and stalls – all free for residents with an HG4 postcode. For more information contact [email protected]
RIPON LIBRARY (regular opening times – 10am – 2pm)
• Free story time for under 5s and their families:10.30am – 11am and 12.30pm – 1pm
• Free LEGO club 11am – 12noon – a free build LEGO session, suitable for ages 6 to 12 years.
• 10am – 1.30pm – knitting and crochet taster session. Members of the library Knit and Natter group will show you the basics of knitting and crochet – a free drop-in session.
• 11am – the history of WW1 Ripon Army camp, talk by Antony Prince, the author of: Forged in War: Ripon Camp. Spaces limited, advanced booking essential.
• 10am – 1pm meet the RHATs team (Ripon History and Archaeology Tribe) and find out more about the group, the plans for a museum and a chance to see some local artefacts.
• 10am – 1pm – an information stall from the North Yorkshire Rotters, who inspire people to change their waste habits. Have a go at making your own smoothie on a smoothie bike.
• 10am – 1.30pm – meet representatives of North Yorkshire Citizens Advice & Law and find out about services they provide. Advice Bus parked at the entrance to the library.
• Free entry to all 3 museums with proof of address in HG4 postcode
At the Workhouse Museum:
- Come to the Workhouse in the morning to see dancing from Ripon City Morris Dancers and Betty Luptons Ladle Laikers.
- At 1pm we are hosting an amazing local string orchestra in the dining room.
- Pop in for a bit of baking with our volunteers and learn how to make a traditional Victorian recipe. Pop in to the kitchen throughout the day to get a taste of the past.
- Come and have a go at the relaxing art of Slow Stitching. Our creative group of stitchers will show you the ropes as we take a different approach to sewing. Come and join in from 1pm.
At the Courthouse Museum:
- Watch the Courtroom come to life through the retelling of a trial by our incredible Theatre Group. There will be performances in the morning and afternoon, with members of the official Ripon Theatre Festival on hand to tell you how you can get involved this Summer. For more information on booking your free tickets for this performance please go to our ‘Things To Do’ page.
At the Police and Prison Museum:
- Pop in to the Police and Prison Museum to take a closer look at our important collections and handle some historic artefacts with an expert on hand to answer your questions.
- Design and create your own unique police badge in our hands-on craft activity.
RIPON CATHEDRAL 10am -1:30pm
• Bellringing from 9.30am until 10am.
• Bell tower tours: 10.30am and one at 11.30am for a limited number of visitors. To ensure your place sign up in advance at Ripon Library.
• Dancing from Ripon City Morris Dancers and Betty Luptons Ladle Laikers.
• Music from local choirs.• Family crafts and games.
• Pop up café from Ripon Walled Garden.
• Meet North Yorkshire Police.
• Over 30 local Voluntary and Community organisations showcasing their services and where you can get help and support or find out how to volunteer.
• Join us for a Silver talk and find out about Ripon’s treasures. Bellman Geoffrey Johnson will be delivering 3 silver talks in Mayor’s Parlour at 10:30-11:00, 11:30-12:00 and 12:30-13:00 visitors do not need to book and can just turn up at the start time.
For more information contact [email protected]